Episode Transcript
[00:00:00] Speaker A: I was originally looking for a sugar daddy, and then a porn recruiter found me, and porn pays a shit ton of money, so I did it.
[00:00:08] Speaker B: This is not a test, ladies. I brought y'all here today so we can see who can twerk the best, who can drop that ass. Hey, what's up? Hey. I'm Javi Mag.
[00:00:19] Speaker A: I'm here with Maria Kazi.
[00:00:22] Speaker B: Now tell us a little bit about, like, the type of content that you make.
[00:00:26] Speaker A: So I'm a professional porn star. I do solos. Boy, girl, girl, girl, I do it all.
[00:00:34] Speaker B: So what, what made you, like, jump into the industry?
[00:00:39] Speaker A: Um, I was originally looking for a sugar daddy, and then a porn recruiter found me, and porn pays a shit ton of money, so I did it.
[00:00:48] Speaker B: When you say shit ton of money, what's how much is a shit ton of money?
[00:00:52] Speaker A: I made my first six figures when I was 18.
[00:00:55] Speaker B: Oh, wow. So how did you do that?
[00:00:58] Speaker A: Well, through porn and OnlyFans.
[00:01:02] Speaker B: And I'm guessing which one does more, the of or the porn?
[00:01:07] Speaker A: It depends. Usually onlyfans.
[00:01:11] Speaker B: That's good. So how do you. So when you do your. How much do you charge for your, you know, onlyfans? And what's the biggest money maker?
[00:01:20] Speaker A: So I charge $8 a month to subscribe to the feed, and then I saw custom videos at 25aminute, and the custom videos is what makes them the most money.
[00:01:31] Speaker B: 25Aminute? I've never heard it put to like a minute.
[00:01:33] Speaker A: That's kind of ridiculous. But that's what makes the most money.
[00:01:37] Speaker B: 25Aminute. That's so good. And what's the longest amount of time you. So is it like an hour long custom?
[00:01:45] Speaker A: Yeah, I've had. I had an hour long one and I think he paid me like 500 for it. I think that's how the math worked out.
[00:01:51] Speaker B: Okay. Because isn't that the max now on of like, for ppv?
[00:01:55] Speaker A: Yeah, pretty sure something like that. Sure. I also. The other thing that makes me a lot of money is the paid FaceTime calls. They just FaceTime me and I make them talk about themselves the whole time.
[00:02:07] Speaker B: Okay. And you try. You also charge it 25aminute?
[00:02:11] Speaker A: No, so for FaceTime, I charge $100 for 15 minutes.
[00:02:17] Speaker B: And I bet you have like a separate phone for that, huh?
[00:02:22] Speaker A: No, I just. I do it through my Instagram, so I don't give out my phone number.
[00:02:27] Speaker B: Genius. You're like a business minded. You got it. You got it going.
[00:02:32] Speaker A: Thank you. I appreciate it.
[00:02:33] Speaker B: Have you always just done it by Yourself. Have you always had like somebody like helping you in massaging and like figuring out the business side when you found your agent? Is that what really kicked it off?
[00:02:45] Speaker A: Yeah, finding my agent helps a lot. So I run all of my own social medias and that. She just does my porn bookings.
[00:02:53] Speaker B: Who's your agent?
[00:02:54] Speaker A: My agent is Veronica with Zen models. She's a fucking sweetheart. She's a gem, love.
[00:03:00] Speaker B: Veronica was then model.
[00:03:01] Speaker A: Yeah.
She's so cute, you guys. She sends Christmas cards and she says I love you.
[00:03:08] Speaker B: Oh my God. Yeah, that's cool. Are you in? That's cool. So you have a crazy story you're just telling me a crazy story behind what was that story?
[00:03:18] Speaker A: Yeah, so like I was on set one time and it was getting towards the end of the video and at the end of the video we have what's called a pop shot. It's the cum shot.
And they said that they were going to do a fake cum shot. And I was really new and I didn't know how they faked them.
They like, they pulled out this little tiny skinny tube. It looked like a straw. It was just this like long ass straw. And they taped it to the side of his dick. And then they had this other guy come in and they made him lay on the floor in between this other guy's legs and put the straw in his mouth. And there was like cetaphil face wash in there because it kind of looks like cetaphil face wash. That's what they use for fake cumulative. Anyways, they, he, they made him like lay in between this guy's legs with a straw and shoot the come out. And it was just taped on the side of his dick. And yeah, I, they, whenever they called for the guy that was laying on the floor, they called for the cum blower. And just like having the job title of being a cum blower, I love I'm.
[00:04:26] Speaker B: The cum blower moves through the crowd. He's like, get the straw, tapes it to the dick. That's funny.
[00:04:32] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:04:33] Speaker B: Where do you want people to find you? Social media.
[00:04:35] Speaker A: My Instagram is Kamakazi Maria and my only fans is Maria Kazi xxx.
[00:04:43] Speaker B: Awesome. Hey, thanks for watching guys. I'm Hobby Mac. Awesome. This is not a test, ladies. I brought y'all here today so we can see who can twerk.