Episode Transcript
[00:00:00] Speaker A: The eyes, the tempting. I don't know about the innocent.
[00:00:04] Speaker B: Not much innocent, but I don't know about that. It's a seductive goddess power.
[00:00:10] Speaker C: Oh, she's dangerous, bro. She likes sacrifice her ass. And Shavi Javi Mac.
[00:00:19] Speaker A: Javi Mac show.
Hey, what's up? What's up? How's it going? I'm Javi Mack.
[00:00:26] Speaker C: Brandon Villasenor.
[00:00:28] Speaker B: I'm Money Doll baby.
[00:00:30] Speaker A: Oh, nice. All right, tell us a little bit about what you do in this industry.
[00:00:35] Speaker B: I own a laundry and sex toy line, moneydoll.com. i have seductive lingerie and adult toy line that's ready for you.
[00:00:48] Speaker C: Yo, my name is Brandon Villasenor and I am the founder and editor in chief of Foxy.
[00:00:54] Speaker A: That's good. So Foxy's doing some pretty cool things. I've been seeing you do some awesome interviews and walking around. Tell us a little bit more about that.
[00:01:01] Speaker C: Yeah, so Foxy is a new standard of gentlemen, and it's about creativity, passion, seduction, and poetry. So stay tuned for more at Foxy by Mr. Villasenor. Yeah, it's gonna be sick.
[00:01:15] Speaker A: And then how did you get in touch with this amazing gentleman right here?
[00:01:18] Speaker B: Well, we met at Babes in Toyland and we are part of the industry, so we are just trying to network and keep growing because we are growers, baby, and we network.
[00:01:27] Speaker C: Calls me at 3am all the time. No worries.
[00:01:31] Speaker B: Definitely don't. But moneydog.com@mo Money doll. Money doll shows. My YouTube channel.
[00:01:38] Speaker A: Oh, nice. So speaking. Speaking of the fact that we're growers, do you prefer a grower or a shower?
[00:01:45] Speaker B: A shower.
[00:01:47] Speaker A: Why is that?
[00:01:49] Speaker B: I like to show it off, baby, but that's just me.
[00:01:54] Speaker A: Hey, what's up? Tell us about what makes an amazing model performer. Here for you, my friend.
[00:02:01] Speaker C: Yeah, I think I was here for Misty Stone as well. I think I love dirty talking. Definitely. It's kind of like more of a sapiosexual kind of vibe. And it has to have amazing legs, beautiful eyes, and just kind of like an aura about her that is innocent but also like very tempting. Yeah, that's kind of what I like.
[00:02:22] Speaker A: I think he just described you. The legs, the eyes, the tempting. I don't know about the innocent.
[00:02:31] Speaker B: Not much innocent, but I don't know about that. It's a seductive goddess power.
[00:02:36] Speaker C: Oh, she's dangerous girl. She likes sacrifice her ass and shit.
[00:02:41] Speaker A: Oh, you'll sacrifice her.
[00:02:43] Speaker B: I like to make tiger noises.
[00:02:44] Speaker A: I see. What do you look for in a guy?
[00:02:48] Speaker B: I really. I like the business guy. And that. That's hot. I like colored eyes. I like the abs. And I love the guy that's free and that gives me princess treatment because I want to be treated like a princess, because I am a princess.
[00:03:03] Speaker A: Baby, I think you just described him.
[00:03:06] Speaker C: See? See? This guy knows what's up. This guy knows what's up. You gotta break the ice. You know what I mean? She's at a big penthouse. It's hard to reach her, but you know what I mean. Well, yeah, definitely.
[00:03:16] Speaker A: So tell us where. Where can my viewers find you at.
[00:03:20] Speaker B: MomoneyDoll on Instagram, YouTube channel, MoneyDoll show, and MoneyDoll.com is my lingerie and adult toy line.
[00:03:30] Speaker C: Yeah. So stay tuned for more. Me and Money Doll are gonna do a collaboration with Foxy and the lingerie line, and it's gonna be really pimp. So you can find me at Brandon via Senor Poet. And you can also check out my published poetry books as well. Boom.
[00:03:46] Speaker A: And I'm Javi Mack. This is Kiss and Tell podcast with Javi Mac. Go to hobbymacshow.com thanks for viewing.
[00:03:53] Speaker C: Cheers.